Las Perlas, Panama is an archipelago that covers around 250 small islands of which most are uninhabited. The Spanish Conquistadors discovered the islands in 1503 and gave the Islands its name due to the great amounts of pearls found there. Las Perlas are most famous for their spectacular white sand deserted beaches, scuba diving, marine life (whale watching) and delicate ecosystems. Panamanian law to preserve the life on the islands protects its flora and fauna. Las Perlas are located in the North Pacific Ocean in the Gulf of Panama. MY EMMY is available for charter in the are. Contact Neo Yachting to find out more.

Destination: Panama
17 April 2020

Las Perlas, Panama is an archipelago that covers around 250 small islands of which most are uninhabited. The Spanish Conquistadors discovered the islands in 1503 and gave the Islands its name due to the great amounts of pearls found there. Las Perlas are most famous for their spectacular white sand deserted beaches, scuba diving, marine … Continue reading "Destination: Panama"