Every year, yachting events are a great success with the amateurs of these giants of the seas. The Düsseldorf BOOT brings together numerous yacht dealers and fans from all over the world every year. The edition that was supposed to be held in April 2021 will finally be postponed due to sanitary restrictions and will be held from January 22 to 30, 2022 with the participation of prestigious yacht distributor like Modern Boat.
The Düsseldorf Boot will finally be postponed to January 2022
30 September 2021

Every year, yachting events are a great success with the amateurs of these giants of the seas. The Düsseldorf BOOT brings together numerous yacht dealers and fans from all over the world every year. The edition that was supposed to be held in April 2021 will finally be postponed due to sanitary restrictions and will … Continue reading "The Düsseldorf Boot will finally be postponed to January 2022"